Monday, September 25, 2006

Weekend Madness

Just Get the Bosch

Could be heard throughout the suburban Sears store as Rainbird grew weary of hearing me compare and contrast each dishwasher by style, ease of use, and how well my Fiestaware dishes fit. He didn't scream at me, but made his frustration known the only way he knows how, he whined about how long I was taking. I decided not to look a gift horse in the mouth and followed his lead purchasing the dishwasher.

We've had a lot of extra expenses this year so I'm getting creative again with our finances so that next year I don't make the same mistakes again (I can hear a collective "yeah, right" from across the nation). At least this year we haven't been completely irresponsible with money (read Just a little irresponsible) but we've had more than our share of frivolous moments compounded by real needs. I'm sorry but a dishwasher in this house is a need, I shudder to think what our water bill would be without one.

Saturday Night's Alright

Weird to me but Saturday night we were invited to a client's house for a cocktail party and it was crawling with kids. Hasn't anyone in this state heard the words babysitter? To me there is nothing worse than seeing a 5 year old parked in front of a shrimp plate while mom (or dad) a few feet away chat and say nothing about the child consuming his weight in shrimp.

Now honestly, I don't eat shrimp (I'm allergic) but that little runt was keeping me from some yummy blue cheese with his standing at the middle of the buffet table in front of shrimp. I silently cheered when the hostess came over to refill the shrimp plate, and moved it so that the little twerp couldn't get his fingers on anymore. So, what did said twerp do? He whined to his mom, who moved the shrimp plate back. I'm sorry but was that plate his personal plate of shrimp, or was it for everyone to share? I don't think so. Not that any grown-up or child would want to touch it after this kid had put his grimy hands all over each piece of shrimp. I cheered quietly to myself when the hostess returned and took away the shrimp plate all together, and when the child complained to his mom, the mom told him to go find something else to eat. I think, and I really do mean this, the mom meant to say "horde" but she didn't.

We picked up the kids at Grandma and Grandpa's sufficiently stuffed with candy and cookies, wired to the hilt, and returned home. Fredo asked what we were doing tomorrow; I think he wanted to go back to Grandma's house for more of the good life. I explained that we had chores to do around the house and one of those chores was to clean up his bedroom.

After months of being afraid to clean up his bedroom out of fear that he'd freak out or act out in school I bit the bullet when I nearly fell down, and decided to clean it out. Especially with the holiday's around the corner, and more crap coming into the room. I have to say I'm proud of him. A whole huge garbage bag was stuffed for trash and another smaller bag is filled with stuff for charity.

It took all day but his room now is completely clean, nothing on the floor, arranged on the bottom bunk of the bed, nothing out on the floor. Everything has a place and everything is its place.

The Dream House Winner Got Me Thinking

Last night we were watching Extreme Makeover where they took a 900 sq ft house, leveled it, and rebuilt a 4000+ sq ft house in it's place, complete with a huge football field, but I started wondering…How do people that can't afford to move, or fix even basic things (like windows, doors, etc) in their house afford to pay the property taxes, heating costs, and day to day running of such a large house? Don't get me wrong, I think it's great for them but still just in electrical alone, I don't know how much that house would cost to run. I heard that the winner of HGTV's Dream House is putting the house up for sale because he can't afford the taxes on it…and it does make sense if you think about it. Wonder what happens to some of the recipients of an Extreme Makeover after the cameras are turned off, everyone goes home, and the show airs?

Meanwhile Huge Kudos For ABC

I can watch Desperate Housewives online for free. Whoo hoooooooooooooooooo!

© 2006 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved


BUMBLE!!! said...

I'm doing my part to keep kids away from cocktail parties by not having kids and not getting invited to cocktail parties...

All the same, have a good 1!!!

Whimsical Ranter said...

Good for you. You know they're really trouble than their worth. '

Same is true about kids