Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Lost in a Sea of Stupid

I Could Use A Better System

I keep thinking of great things to blog about, like President Bush today having a hissyfit at some reporter, much the way former President Clinton did over the weekend; but by the time I get to the computer I've forgotten.

Both are acting pretty defensive. Bush was telling some reporter today to stop listening to gossip, or something like that; I don't know he must have been really pissed though because he was stuttering. Think someone needs a blowjob. Who is to blame? Who the fuck cares? That's in the past and we need to look to the future but don't try to tell our media that, they believe somehow that they help by uncovering the truths as they see them.

I've been spending the morning cleaning, I really thought once Fredo was in school all day I'd have more time but it just seems that I don't. I'm neglecting my friends, Jamie has been after me for days to have coffee with her, another friend Jane's been calling and don't get me started on Brother-in-law's perfect girlfriend who I don't want to get close to because she's just part of his post divorce fuck phase. I haven't chatted on line with anyone either each time I think of signing on, the phone rings. Hell I don't have to attempt to sign on all I have to do is think about it (like now) and the phone rings.

Brother's or Sister's Lite?

Remember in the late 80's early 90's there was a show called Sisters? It had 4 or 5 sisters all with boy names, like Toni or something. Anyway, I seem to recall that it was a chick show and the guy I was together with at the time couldn't stand it so I didn't watch it much. Now there's a show called Brothers and Sisters on ABC, and I saw it but I don't see it becoming a hit. Anyway while I watched it, upstairs alone, I had an epiphany chick shows really don't make it anymore on prime time, unless they have something to offer men. Desperate Housewives has really gorgeous women, so men don't seem to mind watching it much. But shows like CSI, Law and Order with other shows like that don't need drop dead gorgeous women to get men to watch but they do need at least one really good looking guy. Or Captain Kirk, because Murphy Brown just isn't going to bring guys to the tube to watch Boston Legal, but they will tune to in to see if James Spader makes a good looking female attorney crawl across the floor to him, like he did in the Secretary.

ER has become nothing but a nighttime soap that has nothing to do with ER and more to do with personal lives. Have you ever seen Jack McCoy's wife or ex wife on Law and Order? Is he even married? Maybe that's why Law and Order works. Thank goodness there's not 6 different ER shows, of course General Hospital could be considered part of that franchise.

In any event I'm kinda surprised that I seem to be watching more TV this season than I have in the past. I've watched some of Wife Swap two weeks in a row. I'm getting scared. When I start blogging about what Oprah or Ellen or Regis and whomever he's hosting with; someone please slap me.

© 2006 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved


Anonymous said...

I don't understand all that past history rant the media is exploiting, either! Jeez, leave it alone and get on with it!

Great blog you have here, Whimsical. Saw your tag at Abby's and liked the name so I thought I'd stop over and say "hi".


Unknown said...

hey! welcome back to our world once again. Dan was about ready to send the search crews out for me but I have resurfaced after a regrouping session yesterday.

Went to Wally world where they informed me that Elmo cakes are NOT to be had there. What a joke of a bakery. It's in their BOOK for crying out loud. Look for new clothes and toys that I bought for Pun'kin for her 1st Birthday upcoming on October 4th . . . .

Anonymous said...

I hear you on the "where's all my newfound free time????!" My youngest started all-day school this year. All day! Think of the things I'll do! Yeah? When?

Good to see you again!