Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Life Here

Well, summer is definitely giving up her fight with the crisp mornings and evenings, the leaves slowly starting to change from green to gold, and eventually red. Much to Piss-boy's dismay they're starting to fall from the trees and soon, no doubt, our back yard will be filling up like a bowl. Have I ever mentioned that fall is my favorite season? It is if for no other reason than the weather. I love packing away the summer clothing for the season and bringing out my old sweatshirts. I love snuggling on the sofa with the dog, flipping through a magazine, and hearing the rainfall. Add a clean house, a naked guy named Sven catering to my every need, and a glass of Syrah; I'd call that heaven.

Since I'm not dead, and my house isn't clean, Sven is no where to be found and I'm completely out of wine I'll have to settle for a slightly messy house, the TV blaring and a bottle of Blue Dot by Hair of the Dog Brewery. Life is still pretty good.

Isn't Marriage Great?

Rainbird came home from work last evening in a foul mood, immediately after consuming his meat and salad for dinner he bitched until he fell asleep in the chair. I was kind enough to remove the cocktail from his hand, and shut off the TV but I left him there, knowing full well he'd have a horrible headache in the morning. He woke to find the dog licking his face (given the fact the dog loves things that taste like shit it doesn't take too much imagination to know that Rainbird's breath attracted him). Soon Fredo was crawling over him (normally the kids don't really see him in the morning) and he was not happy. I laughed as he dragged his ass into the shower.

I'm still laughing.

Not at all Funny

Baby Abby was found alive, now I must admit I didn't give much hope for this so I'm glad for once I was completely wrong. I can't imagine what hell that mother was going through. Sometimes good does prevail.

Funny But Not

Now, if you worked for a US representative would you write letters to a convicted killer on "company" time to tell him how much you love him? Someone should tell that poor pathetic soul that Scott Peterson is a cold-hearted, self-absorbed individual and doesn't deserve the time of day from anyone let alone some love-struck loser on the taxpayer's payroll.

It's A Weather Balloon

The mystery image captured by the shuttle that is and while I'm at it, aren't those shuttles a little old now anyway? I never thought I'd say this but I think it's time that we skuttle the shuttle idea. Russia is still launching them in a rocket for Christ sakes, maybe it's time we went back to basics. In any event we've always believed the government anytime anything happens that it's either a weather balloon or Big Foot, why not use the excuse now?

What I find really, really odd is that the official NASA website makes everything sound so "normal" and mainstream media is pissing themselves. Three Thousand stories ranging from seeing debries, to a UFO hitting the shuttle.

Still I hope they make it back safely.

How Did You Celebrate?

Yesterday was International Talk Like a Pirate Day, now I will admit that the whole Wife Swap episode involving the stiff self absorbed cheerleader home organizing, Martha Stewart wannabe was bad enough, but did the other NUTS in that episode have to be from Oregon? I'll just have to add that to the list of shows I've seen once and that was enough. Maybe tomorrow I'll share it with everyone.

Anyway I preferred instead to have marked the day by reading the children's Story "How I Became a Pirate" and reading from Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster text (errr ah website). If you have some free time today try the game.

© 2006 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved


Anonymous said...

Hey loved readig your blog :) hope to keep reading if you keep posting.

Whimsical Ranter said...

Thanks...I'll be posting a lot more often :-)