Monday, July 04, 2005

Queer eye for the gay guy

No, you read that correct. My friend M is gay and so is my stylist E. Well, recently, M moved here (he just couldn't stand to be away from me~~smiles~~), and he's going on and on about this guy he met at a place that serves barbecue. I mean, going on and on, and on...You get the idea, I'm sure. He tells me he's really sweet and he's head over heels for the guy. Great, that's wonderful--good for you (I really don't give a shit because there's been like a hundred of these so-called guys he's been head-over-heels for).

I went over to his new house (he bought a nice little fixer in a town not too far from me), and see the new guy, which happens to be my stylist "E".

I know I should be happy at this coincidence but I'm really not. What am I supposed to do if (okay, when) they break up? A good stylist is hard to find.

1 comment:

Melanie said...

Keep the stylist and lose the friend.