Tuesday, July 05, 2005


I called out a bee guy; they're coming this afternoon and it will likely cost us a couple hundred dollars--I told husband and followed it up with a "I don't care" so he said nothing aside from the initial whoa.

I'm just worried because we're supposed to away on vacation this weekend, and the house will be empty, that said, I have no intention of leaving the AC on.

Today, I'm just getting the house clean for when we go away--LOL. husband thinks I'm crazy about this and probably has for years. Even when we were dating I would always have to clean my apartment before leaving and staying with him for a couple weeks. I just like coming home to a clean house and there is nothing wrong with that--but that's just my own slightly psychotic opinion.

Also, today, I met with my therapist and we spent a lot of time discussing the new revelations concerning husband. I really had no idea bad his problem was. Learning this and having a chance to digest it all; I'm finding it makes sense to his behavior. Still, I find myself grappling with the notion that he can't be changed, he can only learn his triggers and avoid them or modify his behavior. I find it difficult to understand in some ways but...I guess that's the way it is.

The bee man just left. 97.00 and that area is guaranteed for year. Whoohooooooo. I nearly kissed the man! There are still a few hovering around but he said in a few days they should go away. Hopefully he's right and I won't see anymore. I also called today and cancelled the gardener officially, I told husband last week I would do it but didn't. I told him to call me to make sure he knew that we were in fact canceling...I hope he got the message. He did all the landscaping for my inlaws' house, they've been calling him for weeks about their dogwood trees he put in that are dying. The trees costs 400 each, and he put in two of them. He hasn't called them yet.

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