Friday, June 30, 2006

What A Gay Thing To Do *OR* Can Anyone Please Stop the Insanity

As if it wasn’t bad enough as shedding tears on camera at American Idol over Katherine McPhee’s loss, but David Hasslehoff has either attempted suicide over his apparent failing US career (he is a host of that new America’s Got Talent, gong show like thing). Anyway, his "rep" (read: toady) claims that he’s had surgery to repair the tendons in his arm due to an accident shaving.

That’s right...shaving…his arms? Are they sure he wasn't slashing wrist? Maybe he was having another face-lift? Or perhaps, he completed his surgery to have a pussy added so he can fuck himself?

You know instead of Paris Hilton sex videos, why oh why can't we have a video of this?

You can read the story for yourself here…

The offical story is that he hit his head on a chandelier which showered his arm with glass shards and one went deep enough to sever a tendon in his arm. His fan base must be either children, or 90 year olds to believe this.

© 2006 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved


BUMBLE!!! said...

I think it might have to do with the fact that I thought he was Dan Marino in those Click commercials... Go figure.

I guess when you're not on Baywatch anymore and the highlight of your life is an Al Gore-esque claiming that you helped bring down the wall in Germany...

That says it all.

Unknown said...

sheesh, 'bout time you crawled outta your hole with the kids and entered the bright sunshine of the "REAL WORLD" . . . i have missed your posts . . . . as for DH, it might be cuz DG thought he was the "Man Marino". its a male ego thing . . LMAO

Whimsical Ranter said...

I'm hoping to get back into the blogging routine again.