Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Well It’s Nearly Time

Tomorrow is the last day of school and again, while I'm facing the summer with mixed feelings, I'm certainly having a chuckle at Piss-boy's expense. He's been a little bitchy in anticipation of the end of the school year. You know, he's so excited that all that asshole inside him comes bubbling quickly to the surface. Today he thanked me for putting his shoes in the dryer, then quickly corrected himself saying, “oh, you that's right you didn't.” As it was spoken like a true smartass, I let the comment slide, so he kept going and minutes later I was again ruining his life. After all that complaining he did wear those shoes to school anyway because they were dry.

Yeah, Summer Will Be Fun

I'm in the process of signing the kids up for different things; I'm taking Piss-boy to the ceramic place so he can paint plates (his idea) and probably signing him up for swimming lessons. Fredo is going to hate the summer, as he's being stuck doing all things educational but thankfully most of those things are also free.

Go Figure

I stopped watching the news on Saturday after hearing on one of the big networks (CNN) reporting from an “eye witness” account that al-Zarqawi was beaten and died of those injuries. That really sat wrong with me because I think everyone with half a brain knows that his demise won’t end terrorism (there are probably a dozen to take his place) but nonetheless it was an important capture. Of course there is CNN and MSNBC showing on TV the day after some Iraqi (more than likely a sympathizer) saying that he was alive and US soldiers covered him with a tarp and beat him to death.

I love the way they take the few good things that comes out of this war and ignores them completely (like the elections) or twists them into something else evil we've done. Especially under the guise of reporting the news and our need to know, of course they should report the news and yes we need to know. But before putting it out there, take the time to check the facts first. I've heard no apologies from the media concerning this, and that's outrageous. Don’t get me started on the over-seas media either, who are just as bad as our own here and it leads me to xenophobic thoughts of saying the next time they come crying about some injustice to go fuck off and fix it themselves.

Who's the Murderer?

Now you have the press climbing all over Michael Berg, who is also running for congress under the Green Party, asking him again and again to call the Prez a murderer to help with their sound-bites. I'm sure he also views it as a way to keep his name in the press, since he is running a campaign. For those that aren’t sure or don’t know he was the father of Nick Berg, an American businessman beheaded reportedly by al-Zarqawi personally.

© 2006 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved


Unknown said...

Bravo! CNN and MSNBC, I never watch for those reasons. SOMETIMES, I will turn it over there just for kicks and giggles and to see what the spin on a story might be. Don't want to limit my horizons so much that I am wearing blinders, via Fox News. LOL

As for that Berg guy, I don't know the whole story, but I am sure that his son was in Iraq for one reason and one reason only . . . money. I think in the back of his head, he may realize this, but, in his grieving has lost sight of this fact. I know lots of peeps who have gone to Iraq, putting their lives at risk, to make the money that is not attainable here in WV. $130,000, tax-free for a couple of years is worth it for some. They can buy a decent home outright for that much and then go to work to pay the property taxes and utilities with the pittly incomes that are the norm here. All that, without having to leave the state for a job . . . . and leaving their families behind forever, instead of a few years.

Whimsical Ranter said...

Money drives the world now doesn't it?

His son goes over there for whatever reason, gets himself beheaded and his father goes on TV saying he felt bad for a-Z. Right before he went on to say that Bush is the real murderer.

I can understand saying that he's forgiven a-Z for he did but his comments just went too far.

The public has a funny way of turning on these people that display the fanatic mentality, regardless on which side they fall on.

BUMBLE!!! said...

Michael Berg is going to be another 9/11 widow before too long. What makes him qualified to run under an environmental party's platform anyway? what does he know about saving the national parks from oil drilling or whether or not the grizzly bear should come off of the endangered species list?


and on that note, any beating A Z took was fully deserved and not enough. Can't they vanish that Iraqi who whined or send him off on a bomb defusing mission?


Alas, your comments on signing the kids up for summer activities reminds me of my yoof and being signed up for scout camp and baseball....