Friday, June 09, 2006

Man Of My Dreams

Now this is going to sound strange but yesterday, I had a really dirty dream starring of all people Rainbird. Even while the dream was going on, I was questioning why I was dreaming about him. After all since I was dreaming, certainly I could have come up with someone better, or dare I say, dreamier. So, that was my jolt of reality.

As good As It Gets?

My Friend Tracey posted on her blog about al-Zarqwai being dead; you can read more about her thoughts on that here. Life in West Virginia: FINALLY, SOME SUCCESS

I will add that I am a little disgruntled over our local paper; front page yesterday was about how the senate shot down the marriage amendment, anyhow, more on my feelings about that later. The news of al-Zarqwai was buried way back on page 11-A, which I call that the airplane section because no one else, unless you’re on an airplane reads it. Believe me, if Bush had shot someone, or if it were shown later that al-Zarqwai had escaped that certainly would have made the front page. The papers don’t want average people to understand that it’s war, people die, but we’re also making some progress. Regardless of the misdirection that got us there, we must stand behind the president on this issue. Besides there are much legitimate things to get upset about that President Bush has done.

Congress is wonderful at wasting the taxpayer’s money with nonsensical debates on things that have no hope of passage. I’m getting really fed up with them. I would rather see substantive debates on matters that would make a difference in all lives. Not on the ones that have not a snowball chance in hell of passage.


I really feel I’m the worst mother in the world, last night all of a sudden I looked at the clock, which read 8:40, and realized Fredo was still up and running around like it was early afternoon. Quickly I got him to pick up the toys he’d dragged downstairs and got him into bed, only then did I realize (after I kissed him, turned off the light, and closed the door) that he went to bed wearing his clothes and didn’t brush his teeth. I know what I should have done but instead I turned around and headed back downstairs. What kind of mom lets her kid sleep in his clothes? At least he won’t have rush around trying to find them in the morning…Yes; he’ll wear the same pants this morning when he comes down. *update* He actually came downstairs wearing all new clothes that he pulled out of the dryer, I [still] really suck at this parenting thing sometimes.

©2006 Whimiscal Ranter
All Rights Reserved


Whimsical Ranter said...

Yeah, I know what you mean about the wearing the clothes to bed thing. I think what really shocked me was my reaction. I didn't say anything, the thought just passed through my mind, and it was as though I just dismissed it.

I've never had a dream like that about dh before...Johnny Depp (in full Pirate regalia) yes! Dh...eeeeeww.

Unknown said...

if you knew how many times joey dropped into bed with his jeans and little golf shirts on when he was little, you would've called CPS. LOL he still does the same thing occasionally, but usually, just strips down to his boxers and puts the same pants on in the morning, provided its not a school day.

Unknown said...

OMG, BTW, thanks for endorsement of my blog and writing.

Whimsical Ranter said...

Yeah, I think it's the way boys are maybe.

You're welcome.

BUMBLE!!! said...

But you do what you have to do and you keep doing it over and over (as far as parenting goes).

and that has to be a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Are you serious? You feel like a bad Mother? OMG! What mom hasn't done this, my dear, you certainly aren't the first one to have done this. Quit being so hard on yourself. There's countless other things that make us feel that way as it is, sending a child to bed with his clothes shouldn't be one.

What's wrong having a "wet" dream about Rainbird? You make him sound like a complete and utter moron, deep down inside, you are probably, more in love with him then you lead on. Either that or you deny to yourself that you are.

Whimsical Ranter said...

Of course I love Rainbird, I wouldn't still be with him all these years if I didn't.