Tuesday, June 20, 2006

A Little Irony Never Hurt Anyone

I apologize in advance that for around the next month of so, my posts will be infrequent...

This blog is more about my personal observations than about my life and I believe the following follows that spirit. There will be no news about Bradalina or any of the other crap.

Life sometimes smacks you irony and this was one of those times. On Thursday morning last week, on the first day of the boys summer vacation, instead of smoking a cigarette I popped in a piece of Nicorette gum.

That afternoon my grandmother phoned to tell me that my grandfather passed away of emphysema. Not a surprise Grandpa was a smoker until around 25 years before his death.

Thursday morning when I popped that piece of gum into my mouth the thought did cross my mind that since I still had cigarettes left, if it was too hard, I could just put off quitting until another day. After all there is always another day. Then the phone rang at 3:42 PM PDT and I was told about my grandfather and suddenly everything changed. I knew then I couldn't go back to smoking.

I think he planned it this way.

© 2006 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved


Unknown said...

Good for you!

So sorry about your grandfather ((hugs))

Melanie said...

I'm sorry to hear about your grandpa.

BUMBLE!!! said...

Sometimes they say that things happen for a reason, and if you gave up smoking, that is good, but it's also terrible that you lost your grandfather (though if he had Emphazyma, I'm sure that he isn't suffering anymore it's all for the better (at least that's what they told me when my gram died of Altzheimers)).

Take care of yourself and hope things return to even keel fairly soon.

The (real) Stepford Wives said...

How about lunch today? Tried to call ya last night but couldn't get through.

Whimsical Ranter said...

Yes, and I'm grateful that he isn't suffering anymore and really I'm not all that sad that he's gone because of his health issues. I just miss him or maybe the idea of him. I know my smoking bugged him, but he didn't say much about it. He would say to me one day you'll quit when you're ready.

He just gave me a push is all.

A final note, I've already saved 25 bucks by not smoking the past 6 days. I always knew that smoking cigarettes was expensive but I had NO idea that just by quitting, dh and I could save over 3 grand a year. That certainly doesn't hurt.

Unknown said...

uh, yeah! the money is a bonus too. i have an aquaintance that quit cold turkey and he is doing really well. i just can't do it.

i need to sign up for the program they have here in WV and the state will pay for the patches . . . i just never have gotten around to it.

Whimsical Ranter said...

Yeah, no shit! I always knew smoking wasn't cheap but I saw the real numbers...holy fuck! I was floored!