Saturday, February 04, 2006

Weekend Stuff

Well, the weekend is here and is already up to a weird start, because I slept in really late (10 AM, yikes!) and now it's just after 1:30 PM and I still have yet to dress for the day. My pink eye is still with me but clearing up very slowly it seems.

This morning I woke with a slightly goopy eye, of course Rainbird has it now, so I'm concerned because I don't want it back. I don't want to take the medicine anymore unless I start having real symptoms so for now, I'm just bathing the eye. Have I mentioned I really do miss wearing eye makeup? In any event, I haven't done too much but thankfully, it's been a nice day. I just took a break from this and started making some brownies, not sure why except that we have to get rid of the crap food around here. Rainbird went to the doctor and has his cholesterol checked, along with everything else, and was declared healthy enough but there's room for improvement. The doctor really wants him to quit smoking (and so should I), lower his blood pressure and cholesterol, both were not too high but with a proper diet, and exercise it would likely come down on its own. I guess a few more days of crap won't kill him, so I'll use up what we have then start moving him to healthy food (the kids will be so thrilled). I've also cleaned off my reading glasses because since having the pink eye I see better with them.

Rainbird today has a luncheon law thing to attend and promised he'll be home by 3PM to do something with Fredo (he hasn't a clue what they'll do) as reward for doing well at school all week. We'll see if he makes it since he wears a watch but doesn't understand the concept of looking at it except to see how long until he takes a break or needs to be somewhere; I'm curious. After that he mentioned lightly we might try to get to Costco so again I'm not holding my breath, though poor Fredo will be pissed if his dad blows him off again, especially since he did all his homework for the week TODAY. Yes, the child is a procrastinator, but that shouldn't be a surprise here.

I also made up menus for the next two weeks and really need to get to costco to buy food; the very nice thing about making the menus is that I can shop for exactly what I need to buy, and that should help cut down on stupid trips to the store. Let's see, what else, we survived the trees being cut down and storm last night, which is supposed to be the last storm for a while but we'll see if they're right.

In other news, Fredo's teacher called and said it's time to meet again on Monday for the "team" meeting and we'll have to see if there's been improvement. I feel he's a little better, just the other day he drew an "A" on his leapster LMAX. I asked if he could make a "B" and he did it. Next time he does it, I'll ask him to make a "C" and so on. I would be surprised if he can write his letters but have difficulty with identifying them. Whatever.

Sorry this a dull post--just not feeling very pithy and I'm rarely terse. Good news, Rainbird just phoned and said he's on his way home but he did hope to take the little guy to a movie but, they won't get there in time. I think he'll just take him out for a burger then come home and have him hammer some nails in the basement. Honestly, I don't think Fredo cares a whit what they do, he just wants time with his dad.


Melanie said...


Annoying font.

Anonymous said...

Thanks...I'll keep it for the boring stuff.