Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Tuesday Morning Blues

I don't think anyone slept last night and I know for a fact I heard Fredo around midnight sniffling, so I gather he's coming down with a cold, Friday, thankfully there is no school, so hopefully he won't miss any days. Pissboy came down complaining that his gums were hurting (brush your damn teeth once in a while and they won't hurt), and he didn't like what I said to him about it. Fredo's whining that he doesn't feel well.

After yesterday, what with the drain clogged and the meeting with Fredo's teacher, along with a myriad of other problems (nothing too huge though), I just felt mentally drained but couldn't sleep. Finally drifted off around one or so this morning. The rains have backed away, so now the morning temps are freaking cold, 30˚ F this morning. Is it spring yet?

Plants here, probably from all the rains are starting to show signs of spring, buds forming on the lilac, plum and apple-pear trees, along with buds, and shoots on the Oregon Grape and Huckleberry bushes. Azaleas are showing slow signs of new growth and I don't know how much bigger the cones on the Rhododendron can possibly get. Pussy willows are starting to form on the poor tree out front that requires a piece of wood to hold up (I can't believe that thing made it through all the winds). Next month maybe things will start looking pretty.

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