Monday, April 23, 2007

Sorry I'm Running Late Today

It's been one of those days so instead of boring everyone with the details, I'll just start right in with things that are annoying me, just a little bit.

Alec Baldwin: Frustrated Dad, Idiot, or Both

The whole Alec Baldwin incident has people clamoring to take sides and we all know how the media loves to take sides. I decided that I'd chime in with my two cents on the subject as long as everyone else is weighing in. My opinion is that I was a little surprised that his rep or himself didn't release a statement indicating a second message of apology to his daughter. And this to me, which the media has missed completely, is the real issue because it speaks volumes of his real character as a person.

As a parent there has been many times that I've said things to my children and immediately wished I could put the genie back into the bottle and take back whatever I said. Those are times I would apologize for my harsh words and all quickly forgets the matter. Any parent that says otherwise is either lying or don't have tween/teens yet, aren't the child's main caregiver or are trying to be the child's friend like some other pseudo psychology bullshit. I say this because caring parents do lose control now and again and I'm sure even Dr Phil has on occasion said something that he wished he hadn't to his children. The problem is we weren't being taped while saying it. We've all done it, and we've felt badly afterward. Period!

Now if Alec Baldwin's rep or toady does a google search of his name, and comes across my blog they might be hitting themselves in the head right about now going, "d'oh." Why didn't he call back even an hour later and say he was sorry to his daughter? If he did why didn't he say so.

Snow White or the Evil Witch?

I really have to wonder if Kim Basinger didn't leak the tape herself, how much did she pay to have someone else do it for her? Wonder what the going rate is for keeping your hands clean in front of a judge? The tape it seems was played during a court custody hearing, which to me at least, implies that the message isn't a recent as the media led everyone to believe. Of course the media is throwing the new word it learned during the whole Imus scandal "misogynistic" and believe me I just love it when the media learns a new word and uses it every chance they get.

What is Harsh?

Okay Alec Baldwin called and his daughter a pig and the whole world heard it but is that really harsh to say? I've heard pundits up and down saying how horrible it is to say that so it got me thinking what is harsh? I think it very much depends on the child in question, for example a parent saying that they're disappointed in them might crush a soft-spoken child that strives for perfection. It doesn't have to be, "you fucking idiot" or "you pig," to hurt a child, it can be any words. It just depends on the personality and temperament of the child. I don't know their child, nor does the media…I think everyone should shut up on this.

On To Fluffier Things

Has everyone seen the Twix Candy commercial where the kid is meeting his girlfriend's mother for the first time and drops is Twix into the laundry basket and pulls out the mom's granny panties? Does anyone think that commercial is funny? I think it would be much better if she said, "you know those clothes are dirty." Of course only after he's shoved the candy bar into his mouth.

Ever Wonder?

About television shows and how some are even on the air at all? How does VH1, which has switched from music programming to reality show garbage nearly 24/7 stayed on the air? They show the most dumbshit shows of caliber one would expect from E! Network. I caught a few minutes of I Love New York, which I assume was a final episode or something because this woman was ranting about some guy that she picked out, and I gather bashed repeatedly throughout the show and was surprised when he dumped her. I just don't understand that. What contrived drama crap that was and I'm glad I only saw a few minutes of it. Celebrity Fit Club is another piece of crap show that I don't understand. Add to it all the celebrity shows, which are nothing more than glorified gossip and several hosted by Robin Leach or a sound a like that spanks of Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous.

Then you have the counterpart MTV which aside for Trick My Ride has nothing else to offer either. What is this Sweet 16 crap anyway? I saw one where the girl (and I mean girl) was whining that she wanted 2 cars for her birthday and got them???? What the hell is that about? Is it any wonder kids today are fucked up in the head? Why is MTV giving these brats any forum? They've done nothing to deserve it, kinda like Paris Hilton.

© 2007 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

BUMBLE!!! said...

I had been avoiding real news (baseball is here) and only dealing with things on O' Reilly and the fact that Rosie came to the defense of Film Actors Guild president Alec Baldwin pretty much stated all I needed to know about this...

You would think that when there can be a permanent record of something (online, answering machine, etc.), a person would be smarter than to leave it for everyone forever.

That might be just me and I'm trying my damnest to be more professional.