Tuesday, April 17, 2007

I Read The News Today, Oh Boy

There Is No Nice Way of Saying This

Yes what happened at Virginia Tech was horrible and tragic for everyone involved and my heart goes out to the families of the students/facility that were injured or killed by such a senseless whack-job. But crap, do we have to have continuous 24/7 coverage and hear from someone's 3rd cousin three times removed who heard from a friend of a friend of someone that goes there????? Do we have to descend down a slippery slope, and start talking about gun control? Now, I'm all for gun control but can't people see that no amount of gun control would have prevented this tragedy? The campus has a strict no gun policy and obviously this jackass ignored it, do you think not being able to buy ammo, or the weapons legally would have stopped it? I think not.

In other news New Jersey Governor, Jon S. Corzine, who was severely injured in a car accident when the SUV was hit by another car causing it to careen into the guide rail. First it was understood that the Gov wasn't wearing his seatbelt, a simple thing that might have spared him great injury. However, many people are lulled into a false sense of security, I mean I wonder if the President wears a seatbelt when he's traveling by limo. Corzine, was not in a limo, but what appeared to be a regular SUV and he was traveling in the front seat. Now it's been discovered that he was traveling at 91 mph. That just seems a little fast to me.

© 2007 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved


BUMBLE!!! said...

A scene like this should be a memorial - not a platform for pro or anti gunners. The world should also just shut the hell up with their anti gun america culture of guns crap too.

I don't know about you, but I can only watch coverage for so long before I'm just numb and saddened by everything.

Whimsical Ranter said...

Oh don't get me started on the world reaction. They view America as being a very violent place and have a narrow mostly Hollywood driven idea of what it's like. They can offer their support and condolences [to the families] and leave it at that.