Thursday, April 19, 2007

I Read the News [Again], Oh Boy

A Sad Day For Women, Even if They Don't Believe It Yet

What can I say about the US Supreme Court decision today effectively telling women that they have no choice when faced between their life and the life of their unborn? Many conditions that affect pregnancy from Eclampsia, to Uncontrolled Gestational Diabetes can result in making that very difficult decision. Giving birth to an infant at 22 weeks, and putting that defenseless creature through hell under the guise of trying to save its life. There is no medical replacement for the womb and until MEN can develop one they should really stay out of the discussion. Certainly the Supreme Court has no business weighing in on a decision that really should be left to the attending Physician. Which is by definition, someone qualified to practice medicine. Not a license to practice law.

We're Obviously Dealing With a New Generation

With all the video taping of horrible crimes and posting them on places like Youtube and MySpace, it should come as little surprise that the gunman involved in the VATec shootings sent information to NBC apparently after he killed the first two people but before he went on a rampage in the other building. Naturally NBC handed the writings over to the police who can hopefully find some insight into why this jackass could commit mass murder.

I hope the contents are never released to the media, but instead if any information can be gleaned handed over to the families of those murdered, should they want to see them. I just don't want this murderer glorified by anyone else in death. He's gotten quite enough lip service.

Well crap, I was going to post all this yesterday but started feeling rather ill and never did. This morning my MIL informed me that some of the families of the victims were supposed to appear on NBC's Today show but backed out because of NBC deciding to release those very tapes. GOOD FOR THEM! I stand by my comment the jackass is dead, we as a collective don't require to know why he did it, only the families of the ones he gunned down do.

The Good Sense God Gave a Goose or Maybe NBC is Really Run By 13 year-old Boys?

How more appropriate can I get considering the last paragraph? I really have to thank my Canadian mom friend for telling me that saying, I've started using it, even in place of my normal run-of-the-mill swear words. Today, I went into the boys' bathroom to clean it up as I do each Wednesday. I normally go into the bathroom every couple days to flush the toilet and spray some RAID in there to keep the flies down. I see on the countertop where Fredo brushes his teeth the toilet plunger. Now this grossed me out on multiple levels, mostly because Rainbird stops up all the toilets in the house frequently.

In any event I've noticed my older son formerly known as Piss-boy, oftentimes lacks the good sense that God gave a goose. Maybe it's all the hormones rotting his brain, but I'm not sure that anyone can explain why he would leave a shit-riddled toilet plunger on a counter top in the bathroom. While I applaud his ability to taking matters into his own hands by plunging the toilet (of course flushing the damn thing once in a while doesn't hurt either), I just can't help but to wonder what he was thinking when he left that damn thing on the countertop but not his countertop but his brother's.

I take the nasty thing and put into his sink and wait for the boys to get home from school. Naturally nothing is said, so I go back into the bathroom, and see it once again on the counter-space beside the sink but moved again, to Fredo's counter. This time I comment asking why he moved it and he tells me that he didn't want it in HIS sink…

"Oh so it's better to put right it beside your brother's toothbrush?" And naturally, he has no answer for that, but just gives me that annoyed look. I explain to him that if he's going to leave a nasty thing like that around, to put it into his own sink. He looked at me aghast and asked why he would do that? Of course his brother's sink is a much better choice…so I quietly explained to him that if I ever found it there again, it would be going under his pillow!

Oh and yeah, he cleaned the bathroom countertops.

© 2007 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

BUMBLE!!! said...

I now have a womb.

Does that allow me to get in on the discussion of women's reproductive rights?

If you don't believe me, I'll send pictures!!

Smile, and have a better weekend.
You knew it was only a matter of time until something happened with reproductive rights in this administration.

Vote Rudy in 08 (I say that in truth even though he wears a Yankees hat). The only change he wants to make is parental notification for when underagers go to get an abortion. It's not like he wants to end abortions (he doesn't).