Sunday, January 22, 2006

A Very Good Day

Yesterday, was indeed a good day. For the first time since last June, I went and got my hair cut and even got brave enough to have a color job. I can't believe the difference, my hair hasn't been this color since I was 29 for the first time. Note: usage of the words "first time," I've been 29 for more years than I care to remember, but as long as idiots here keep asking to see my driver's license when I buy cigarettes at the gas station, I'll keep saying I'm 29. I told that to Rainbird, who made rude comments to the hairstyles I was proposing via email to my friends, and he quickly shot back that they weren't being nice by asking to see my ID, that was just the way they flirted up here.

Anyway, Rainbird--the Ass, made horrible comments before I went to get my hair done, I had printed pictures of the various styles I liked, and he said about each one...Well that's fine if you're 20. Then he said to me that he hates it when women try to look younger than they are (this led to the exchange I just wrote about and possibly puts it into perspective). In any event, I was nearly in tears by the time I got to the salon. E, the stylist, who is dating my friend, M, told me that some men just do that because they have a low self image. Yeah, that's Rainbird alright.

Anyway, I got the color and cut, it came out great, after that I was on cloud 9 for the rest of day, and I mean nothing could change my mood. Not even Smelly Guy's visit and me having to drive him home because he's too fucking lazy to buy a car of his own. Rainbird--The Ass did say he was sorry later but by that time, I didn't care and he's still not getting those golf clubs he wants, but I did otherwise accept the apology.

Yeah for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction, at least that's what Newton, the father of modern physics said once. Rainbird--The Ass, suggested that I get my hair done, then later that same day, lightly mentioned he wanted new golf clubs. I know he's thinking in his attorney mind, that it's a Quid pro quo. Yeah, 90 bucks for my hair, compared with a few hundred dollars for golf clubs, and I'm supposed to have the bleach rot my brain enough to say, "sure honey that sounds fine." Uh huh. I'm sure there will be more on this subject in the months or years even to come. Stand by.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

With all due respect, he acted like a jackass. Men are too stupid to realize that a good cut and color can make you look years younger.You look gorgeous and I hope he appreciates that.

And I believe you've pretty much made up that ninety bucks in taxi fare by constantly driving lazy ass Smelly Guy home.