Thursday, January 26, 2006

Message In A Bottle

Today wasn't an awful day, just more or less a regular one. Fredo was better at school earning back TV for the evening hours, went to bed without arguing, and got excited when we watched Jimmy Neutron together. Maybe that’s part of his issue--maybe he feels a little or more than a little, ignored.

In any event tonight things went from being rather zany to more somber, I was reading something a friend had written, and thought to myself, blogging is more or less like sending a message in a bottle. When you write a message, pop it into a bottle and throw it into the ocean, you have no idea if anyone will ever see it, let alone read it. It could say anything--you could write, "I'm here." Or you could write about your life, a bad day or a good one. The message in a bottle idea is that it's highly likely that no one will ever read it. Blogging is similar; sometimes you just want to send a thought out into cyberspace, and not really expect a reply (though replies are always welcome).

Occasionally someone will stumble across your blog, pondering with you the dilemmas you face, or laughing about your day, shedding tears over a recent heartbreak. Faceless, nameless people might spend a minute, an hour, or an evening pouring through what you’ve written, but you’ll never know it. Maybe that’s how it should be.

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