Thursday, August 07, 2008

It's Hot Hot Hot

Everybody's Talking At Me...

About so much stuff these days, I know the media likes to make us feel we should be discussing this or that, but I'm going to talk about Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt selling their baby photos for a reported 14 MILLION dollars. That's a lot of lettuce! Yes the money is going to charity and help a lot of needy kids, so, what's the problem? Honestly it's their child and I'd rather see the money go to a charity than to line the pockets of some idiot stalkeratzi. Yes it's much ado about nothing and as is the great debate about them being "allowed" to do so.

Another Thing

I really can't stand the media in general now. I hated the primary election, I especially hated the way the democratic primary was handled by the media. The media picked out Obama as the winner from the beginning. Wolf Blitzer of CNN hammered the point each election, by commenting how Obama voters were college educated, ethnically diverse, young, and wealthy. The poor, white, uneducated voters were for Hilary. I still find it insulting, even though I was for neither. I will say Hilary's appearance on Bill O'Reilly changed my mind about her. It is my college educated opinion that between the two she was much more qualified than he.

Now it's starting to show, he's sounding more and more like a politician willing to say anything needed to get elected, and according to the latest polls, McCain is leading by 5%. It's not a land slide by any stretch but it highlights the fact that our country is still seriously divided. We still need a candidate that will bring us all TOGETHER. The democratic party is a shambles really in thanks to the media who I am now convinced they were starved for drama and figured Hilary would run away with the nomination. They built up the monster Obama to create drama in the election, and now they are left scratching their heads wondering what the hell they're going to do now.

Drill Here? Now??

Here we go again selling our children's future short to fill our pockets today. But now the rallying cry is nearly 10 years away. The US consumes 20 million barrels of oil per day, frankly I don't think there is enough oil anywhere in the US to help ease our own pump prices. In fact historically speaking once prices go up they NEVER go down. Honestly, does anyone really believe that once the price of gas comes down that the airlines will drop their prices, stop charging for checked luggage (which was created by the freaking Federal Government by NOT allowing more than one ounce of liquid), and will start serving food again? Will the grocery stores now lower their prices when consumers have well adapted to paying more? Not on your life! Lets not forget that oil is a NON renewable resource so once it's gone...well, that's it.

I guess what I really have trouble understanding is what the hell has happened to American's can do attitude? This is the same country that in the early 1960's said they would put a man on the moon before the end of the decade and did it. Has our can-do attitude been outsourced to India too? Are we even capable of finding a viable solution, and not a half ass one that involves drilling everywhere, and building Nuclear reactors. Surprisingly enough I'm not against Nuclear energy, but we have to have a decent plan on what to do with waste involved that doesn't include sending it down the Mississippi on a barge. Maybe for each dollar that is spent drilling, two dollars should be on a renewable energy?

And as if there wasn't enough silliness going around GM is bringing back the Camero! Yes! The Camero, will be back with a whopping 8 cylinder Corvette engine! This really cracks me up how the car companies are about a decade too late. I'm sure they'll just fly out of the showroom and probably outsell the Toyota Prius. Right!?

A final note, I don't understand the Newt Gingrich ideal of saying that China and India should going green otherwise there is no point to the US doing it. I don't give a crap about what goes on in India or in China...I do however care about what goes on here, it's time for all of them to stop deflecting, and start actually doing something about it. HERE and NOW.

Tired of Hearing about Tires

Oh my god, someone asks Obama what they can do now to help with the energy problem, so Obama suggests making sure your tires are inflated properly and McCain news giggles. Give me a break! Would McCain have suggested that the guy get a shovel and start digging for oil? Honestly it's not a bad idea, and hell up to a few days ago I didn't know how to check my tire pressure, but I was reading that needs to be done each month. I had NO idea you are supposed to check it that often.

I did something, possibly illegal but nonetheless fun. I copied off the internet the normal average tire sizes and found out what the tire pressure was supposed to be, then went to my local market and checked 50 cars. Yes I did! I actually checked 50 freaking cars! NOT ONE was filled to what they were supposed to be...and it wasn't a little, it was a lot...weird huh? Most were around 13 pounds UNDER inflated. Now some do believe that your tires during the summer are supposed to be under inflated but thats actually wrong. Something else I learned. Under inflated tires are much more likely to blow out in hot weather...go figure.

Then I found this article from 2005 on Good Morning America....which you can read here.

Yes I did finally get my tires properly filled and yeah I'll be checking it every month.

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pendoodles said...

*waves hi* Glad to see you here as well as Abby :)

pendoodles said...

*waves hi* Glad to see you here as well as Abby :)

Abby said...

Wait a minute. You checked 50 tires at the grocery store??

Thanks for the anniversary wishes! Good to see you back!