Thursday, February 22, 2007

Random Rants and One Whimsy

6:51 PM Tuesday Night
My Home

Mulder and Scully should be called at once; a helicopter hovered over my area for a few minutes last night. It resembled very much an alien vessel as it hovered just beyond the tall cedars causing even at that distance, their limbs to gently sway. The dog and children jumped up and down excitedly while briefly images of the TV show Jericho flashed in my mind. Just as quickly as it appeared the helicopter went away, lost in a sea of clouds and trees, only the sound remaining.

I watched the evening but no reports of the helicopter were reported, I guess they don't care much what goes on in lost cow territory.

Blame NASA

I've now come up with a new conspiracy theory about the whole Anna Nicole thing and it's probably as ludicrous as what really happened, which likely we'll never know about. AbbyNormal, in a comment on the last post, reminded me about the Astronaut that drove a thousand miles, while wearing an adult diaper, to confront the girlfriend of the man she was obsessed with. That happened just before the whole Anna Nicole is dead thing, and leads me now to think about how serendipitously well-timed NASA was as that story took Astronaut debacle off the front page. I wonder if NASA at the very least sent flowers or something to the baby, but I also began to muse that maybe it was NASA that had her eliminated. Really if they can put a man on the moon, certainly they can figure out a way to kill off a woman who is admittedly a train wreck. It does make me wonder with my tongue planted firmly in cheek.

Why I've Grown to Hate PodCasts

Maybe it's because I don't have a long commute and I'm not in my car very long during the day, or maybe it's because I prefer to read. I haven't really narrowed the field down any further, but I've grown to hate PodCasts given by pseudo-expert wannabes with an over-inflated sense of ego and purpose. The people doing this, often starved for attention anyway, and passionate that they have something worthwhile to share, often become egotistical about what they do. I caught about 10 minutes one day of a "podcast" about something I don't care to mention here but learned nothing that I didn't already know and found the banter between three "hosts" to be downright annoying. Their attitudes and the name-dropping lost any real information I was trying to glean. If I had heard one more time the name someone being a personal friend of so and so, I was seriously going to vomit. Instead I decided to turn it off.

While I'm on the Subject of Things I Hate

I might as well admit the so-called freelance writers out there with blogs that include the little donation box also annoy me. You know the ones that say they pour their heart and soul into each post as though they'd just given birth. What the fuck? Quit your whining and grow up, you do it for yourself and because you like it, otherwise why bother. They might have been "published" in a few periodicals with limited readership but again, who the fuck cares? If you're doing it in the hopes that you'll turn a buck because you can't afford to feed your family get a real fucking job ass-wipe. If you've already got a real fucking job, then count your blessings, have a Coke and a smile and shut the fuck up. Don't try to convince me into the notion that you'd like a couple bucks because if I enjoy reading your blog. No fucking better than a televangelist, asking for "donations" to keep their show on the air, while wearing their nice suits and praising god that they paid their electric bills.

You can tell when things really piss me off when I start using fuck a lot, can't you?

Changing Seasons

As some have noticed in the recent months my blog, especially following a respite from blogging, has taken on a new direction—well, maybe not exactly a new direction entirely. Over the past year, I've blogged less often about the children and husband, and more about other events that catch my eye. In part because the children are growing up and the web being what it is, it just doesn't feel right anymore. I'm also going to do a little housekeeping on the blog, so stay tuned.

© 2007 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Nicely written.