Friday, December 09, 2005

Disjointed Thoughts

I've been not feeling well the past few days, nothing serious no avian flu, just a bug that's left me feeling really tired, right at the height of my busy time. I coughed all night, interrupted by short periods of sleep, but I'll admit, I'm feeling a little better tonight. That said, I still don't have all the kids gifts wrapped or all the batteries purchased, nor do I have any of the other gifts wrapped either. I really don't have all the stocking stuff, or enough for Rainbird. This year, I got him a gift but upon reflecting, I decided it looked a tad gay, so I'm taking it back to hopefully exchange it for a different one. I never do that, I should have just got him the other one to begin with. Meanwhile, Fredo is driving me crazy with his gift list. He keeps adding to it. I swear with Piss-boy it's like pulling teeth to get that kid to say he wants anything. Fredo, no surprise is the opposite, and wants everything he sees. The latest obsession was a race car thing that has two cars, one red and one blue (he told me that), I checked with Amazon, and it's sold out along with a half dozen other things he asked for. I'm glad I got all I did when I got it all, I don't think I could find much of anything now. If only I could only get everything wrapped.

I still have to buy a card and get a gift certificate for Piss-boy's teacher. I've already got Fredo's teacher's gifts and a gift for the bus driver--I'm sorry but getting my kids to and from school safely is worth a token gift. I also have to take the kids to see Santa and get the pictures into the mail for my Grandma & Grandpa, along with their gift.

I saw today my wacky neighbor, she was asking what we've been doing, I told her that we've been busy, which isn't a lie. I gave her a quick rundown and told her we're going to a couple of parties...And she said, oh work things? As if the only friends we have are Rainbird's work friends. Sheesh, I don't know but it just struck me as rude. Of course, this was the same woman that hunted me down when I owed her $ 1.99 worth of Avon, even though I had offered to pay when I got the items.

Why do people have to be so fucking weird?

I guess I'll just go do my Christmas cards and maybe get those mailed tomorrow. Doesn't that sound like fun?

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