Rants and Whimsy is a (mostly) satirical look at life, recounted and retold by the Etherial Wanderer and based solely on her personal observations.
Friday, December 09, 2005
Disjointed Thoughts
I've been not feeling well the past few days, nothing serious no avian flu, just a bug that's left me feeling really tired, right at the height of my busy time. I coughed all night, interrupted by short periods of sleep, but I'll admit, I'm feeling a little better tonight. That said, I still don't have all the kids gifts wrapped or all the batteries purchased, nor do I have any of the other gifts wrapped either. I really don't have all the stocking stuff, or enough for Rainbird. This year, I got him a gift but upon reflecting, I decided it looked a tad gay, so I'm taking it back to hopefully exchange it for a different one. I never do that, I should have just got him the other one to begin with. Meanwhile, Fredo is driving me crazy with his gift list. He keeps adding to it. I swear with Piss-boy it's like pulling teeth to get that kid to say he wants anything. Fredo, no surprise is the opposite, and wants everything he sees. The latest obsession was a race car thing that has two cars, one red and one blue (he told me that), I checked with Amazon, and it's sold out along with a half dozen other things he asked for. I'm glad I got all I did when I got it all, I don't think I could find much of anything now. If only I could only get everything wrapped.
I still have to buy a card and get a gift certificate for Piss-boy's teacher. I've already got Fredo's teacher's gifts and a gift for the bus driver--I'm sorry but getting my kids to and from school safely is worth a token gift. I also have to take the kids to see Santa and get the pictures into the mail for my Grandma & Grandpa, along with their gift.
I saw today my wacky neighbor, she was asking what we've been doing, I told her that we've been busy, which isn't a lie. I gave her a quick rundown and told her we're going to a couple of parties...And she said, oh work things? As if the only friends we have are Rainbird's work friends. Sheesh, I don't know but it just struck me as rude. Of course, this was the same woman that hunted me down when I owed her $ 1.99 worth of Avon, even though I had offered to pay when I got the items.
Why do people have to be so fucking weird?
I guess I'll just go do my Christmas cards and maybe get those mailed tomorrow. Doesn't that sound like fun?
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