Thursday, September 25, 2008

The Biggest Mistake

What is He Thinking

I heard on the news yesterday that McCain is canceling the debate Friday because of the economy being in, well the shitter. While the notion is admirable that he wants to return to the senate to do the work that needs doing; he also needs to remember that he's running for President not the senate. What a huge missed opportunity to debate Obama and explain why his plan is better or where the failings lie and what he would have done to change it, or stop it from happening all together.

On a very serious note do we want a President that won't discuss with the American people what he feels needs to be accomplished. I understand that speeches and debates are two different things however both provide a venue to speak ones mind. The latter provides an opportunity to ask follow-up questions and critique what they would do differently.

More to come on financial crisis from me maybe tomorrow about I feel this bailout isn't going to be all that helpful.

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Judy said...

Oh, this bailout thing has me so riled up - HOW is this helping??? It is wrong on so many levels.

Now, I'm one of the biggest givers and help-you-fellow-manners out there, but this just goes too far. The government has NO place in this as far as I am concerned.

And McCain? He just looks like he is running away from the inevitable at this point. Kind of sad for him, you know?

Abby said...

I agree, that was a wrong move by McCain. Makes him look like a scaredy-cat (technical political term).

The bailout: AAAAARRRRGH!!