Friday, August 18, 2006

Time Is Not On My Side

I've been super busy these last few weeks of summer so finally I have time to comment thoroughly on some of the things going on in the world during my absence from blogging.

Sure He's a Sicko…But…(Or Detective Work By The Three Stooges aka, Boulder Police)

John Mark Karr is a sicko but I really don't think he killed JonBenet. I'm sorry but that's my gut reaction to the whole thing. I think he's a whacko and the fact that the Boulder PD didn’t talk to his family, after he'd been taken into custody there in that child porn mecca, is ridiculous. Since he was wanted anyway in CA for kiddy porn, it’s a good thing he’s being brought back to this country but I doubt he’s the one that killed that little girl 10 years ago.

Why do I feel this way? He’s walking and chatting with the press offering all kinds of details about this and that but offers nothing that he couldn't have already known. He won’t give the important details, yet he'll say that he's not innocent. I think he is infatuated with the case and wishes he were the one. Coupled with the fact his ex wife, who he married when she was just 16, says she's got proof he couldn't have been in Colorado at the time. It's not like Alabama and Colorado are just a short drive away in the middle of winter.

Before anyone jumps on me…his ex-wife has NO reason to protect him since she's the one that got him busted for kiddy porn in the first place.

I See Jail Time

Haley Joel Osment was arrested quietly and booked for DUI and procession of marijuana last month and is scheduled to turn himself in. His agent and gaggle of attorneys are working with law enforcement to get most of the charges dropped. So, like anyone that qualifies as a "Hollywood" star, he won’t serve a day in the big house despite the fact his blood alcohol level was 0.15 and the legal limit for someone OVER the age of 21 in California is 0.08. We'll have to wait and see if he'll also be charged with California law of driving while underage with a blood alcohol level higher than .05, which is a felony for minors. Then we'll have to wait and see if his driver's license will be revoked until he’s an adult, along with a 5K fine, and jail time…not to mention compulsory AA meetings. Will justice be done? I only have one other question, why was he driving 1995 Saturn?

Mad Mel

Mel Gibson, who I have come to believe really is a racist and anti-Semitic, has agreed to attend AA meetings. Well, actually anyone really familiar with California law knows that AA, or some type of alcohol rehab are REQUIRED of anyone arrested for DUI, and even those ultimately charged with reckless driving. So big fucking deal for doing what he should anwyay.

Nice try Mel reps.

Will The Peace Last?

Between Hezbollah and Israel? No. Though some jackass news agencies actually ask, who won?

I'll be Back on Monday. Enjoy the weekend!

© 2006 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved


Judy said...

I so agree on the whole JonBenet thing. I seriously doubt this is the guy.

BUMBLE!!! said...

I haven't commented on the Jon Benet thing because I expect it to go belly up quickly.

It would be nice if it was true for closure sake, but really, I highly doubt it.

As for the cease fire, it's over today.

As for the 95 Saturn, what has Haley Joel done since 2nd hand lions and Sixth Sense to necessitate driving a newer car? It's not like Jeff Foxworthy show on DVD is going to make a mint.

And as for Mel... he's had issues for forever. They finally got him and if anything, it puts a damper on the Aztec movie (that was supposed to be really good) that he was to release. I'm sure it also puts a damper on a new Lethal Weapon movie.

Welcome back by the way.

Whimsical Ranter said...

Thanks Judy!

Thanks for the welcome back! Yeah I was kinda at a loss of what to write about. LOL.

Haley makes a butt load of money lending his voice to video games. 2nd Hand Lions was made in 2003..not that long ago. Considering he made that when he was just 16...I just found it odd that he's driving a used car not to mention a Saturn.

Unknown said...

Glad to see you have returned to "our world" LOL

JonBenet--I will wait and see . . .I hope it is him.

HJO--maybe his parents were trying to keep him "grounded". A flashy car also would attract much more attention if you are driving drunk or cruising looking for some dope.

Mel--never cared much for him since Lethel Weapon.