Monday, September 29, 2008

I Just Can't Take it Anymore

Will Someone, Anyone, Tell Sarah Palin to Shut Up

About her, cough, foreign policy experience. Craps sake she's the governor of Alaska....670,000 people in the whole state. Yes its geographically close to Russia but I must have missed the news flash where she single-handily averted a Russian invasion. I suppose if she were governor of Hawaii (BTW Honolulu's population runs around 900,000 people), we'd have to hear that she had experience because she was governor of the Island in the Pacific, and had experience dealing with Japanese tourists.

I Know I Know

The big news should be about the house not passing the big bill, and yes, as you can imagine I'm about as happy about this as I was about hearing the debate of how the debate went and who won. Both sides (Republican and Democrat) said they had reached an agreement and vote was just going to be a formality. The republicans claim that they were set to vote for it, but decided not to when they heard Nancy Pelosi talk. The Democrats are saying that it's the Republicans playing partisian politics.

Get this people they're both playing a game, and we're the ones that are going to lose. When your FICO score goes down because the bank that holds your credit cards decreases your limit, which means you'll pay more for car insurance, more points on loans, your personal buying power diminishes. You think this is just about a wall street bailout....think again...this is bigger than main street and wall street. Your FICO score is based on your available credit and your ability to pay bills, so if you have a credit card, with a 10K limit, and you owe 1000...your FICO score if you pay your bills on time will be higher than a person who makes more money, has a 30K limit and owes 20K.

Both sides are talking about the "fat cat" CEO's and this is just to protect their salaries...another wake-up call...they've already been FIRED! That doesn't mean the bill wasn't without problems, it was but those were very small, compared to the implication of doing nothing--which is what they're doing. My 401K is gone, but that's okay because I'm not retiring soon but what about the people that are? I think everyone needs to wake up, shake the sleep from their eyes and demand that our government do what they need to do.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
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Judy said...

On the upshot, this is a great time to buy!

Anonymous said...

I liked things better before we had FICO scores.

Anonymous said...

LOL...While I personally LOVE the McCain/Palin ticket, I too can't stand the fact she has little else to say of substance.