Wednesday, September 10, 2008

This Post Has No Title

Wacky Wednesday

I'm not sure what to call this post because it's going to seem like a hodge-podge. The kids are officially back in school now, and life seems to truck along until I turned on the TV and see the images of planes crashing into the world trade center and realize it's almost September 11.

Of course this means not only am I stuck with all matters political because of the election, but on all my other channel haunts (History, Discovery Channels, etc), because of the endless shows about 9-11 conspiracy and day. I still can't bring myself to watch movies made about that day, which were on all through the weekend.

So, I Watched

Both the Democratic convention and Republican convention and it needs to be said that anyone undecided shouldn't bother watching ANY convention because they're all just preaching to their choirs. That said I found much more bashing with little substance from the republicans and that really surprised me. They must have mentioned throughout the week Obama's name a MILLION times, always too the appropriate "USA" or Boo's or Cheers…But what they didn't say was more important. Aside from drilling here and now, they offered NO real plan for the future. They were too busy discussing what is wrong with other side.

I also don't understand why his running mate is such a "superstar" I mean she's been governor since '06 and was a mayor of a small Alaskan town before that. The whole Alaskan population is only 670,000! Compare that to Los Angeles, where you have 9 MILLION people living. I'm not that impressed. She hasn't held a public office long enough to know if her "changes" are good or bad for the state. But the republicans are insistent that she is more qualified for office because she's run a state Government as opposed to Obama who has not. Let's not forget that McCain is the man actually running for president and he's been a senator for a 25 years, and has NEVER been a governor, mayor or anything else. Well, except a POW, and military guy and that isn't exactly the same as running a state.

I did watch Senator Edward Kennedy speak, and I have to say first off it was nice seeing him considering the news media have him on his deathbed. Aside from that, I really enjoyed what he had to say. He didn't bash McCain but spoke about the future and what all Americans should do. I loved the idea of young people in public service, and enjoyed someone else asking what has happened to the American "can do" attitude using the space program as example.

Obama's speech was very good, and I'm glad he did say more about what we need to do to fix our economy, though I don't agree with everything he said.

The republican convention was rather overshadowed by the hurricane, but still interesting. I caught a snippet of the first lady talking but it seemed to be more Obama bashing than substance, as did Palin later in the week. McCain's speech was dry, and frankly too long and to me lacked substance. It also made my skin crawl when he added an R to the word Washington…which was roughly half the time.

As I said when I started this segment, the conventions shouldn't be a platform for anyone undecided to make the choice of who to vote for. It's nothing but a giant pep rally that the media pays way too much attention to.

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Judy said...

I agree - the conventions are not designed to bring new faces to either party - they just present a bunch of hoo-ha and cheerleading basically.

Abby said...

I didn't watch any convention coverage because of what you observed. They're just big pep rallies that temporarily close highways and stuff, nothing more IMHO.

Palin is a "superstar" probably because hardly anyone had heard of her and she's a she.