Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Worthless Observations by a Ranting Fool

Whats in a Name?

Yes that would be me and I'm saying goodbye to Lady Bird Johnson who died Wednesday at the age of 94. Now out of all the first ladies, she had without a doubt the most interesting name. Lady Bird. Her real name was Claudia Alta Taylor not nearly as interesting as the nickname given to her by her nanny as a child who said she was as pretty as a ladybird. The name obviously stuck because I never knew her to be anything else but Lady Bird. Johnson as some might recall was the unfortunate fool to be vice-president when JFK was assassinated in 1963. He finished that term and served another full term as president. He was also known for escalating the Viet Nam war…Oops I mean police action--but that's another issue entirely.

Here We Go Again

Special thanks to Bumble for bringing this to my attention. I blogged about this case before which you can read here.

Georgia Prosecutor released the sex tape that put the 17 year old behind bars. Just to recap, he's serving a mandatory 10 year sentence for child molestation. He was 17 and the girl in question was 15. That's just two years apart in age. I'm really confused on this, was he convicted because he had oral sex or made the sex tape? Why is this kid still in prison?

The sex tape helped convict him, but can we really blame kids for doing what everyone else in Hollywood has done since Pam Anderson and Tommy Lee? Kids have been copying what other stars have done since my dad was a teen and got an Elvis haircut, or my grandmother fainted straight away when Frank Sinatra walked passed her. Okay someone at the party recorded him, but are we forgetting the big issue? He's in prison! He'll have to register as a sex offender for the rest of his life for doing something that teens do! Georgia has changed the law because of this kid!

Now everyone is upset that the video was released and saying it's child porn or something. Who cares???? Some fear support for the kid will diminish. Are we living in such a politically correct society where this kind of tripe matters a whit when put against plain old right and wrong? Kids will have sex.

The issue is the states attorney doesn't want this kid out of prison because he's afraid 1300 other molesters will also be released. HUH? You have 1300 kids in Georgia prisons, wrongfully convicted of molestation, who were just having teen sex????? That's about the only group that this would apply to.

© 2007 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved


BUMBLE!!! said...

Maybe it's archaic sodomy laws that were enforced back then...

Maybe the gals were white (seeing as he is most definitely black), and seeing as its the South...

Maybe it was just rough nasty sex that got way out of hand...

After all, this is Georgia (a former prison colony and diamond in the Bible Belt), but alas.

Now I don't know about you, but if memory serves me right I don't ever recall being accidentally filmed having sex. First of all, I'm just thankful some gal wanted to be in the room with me - let alone someone reviewing it over and over for posterity, but alas.

As I stated on my blog, I'm so glad I don't have children to have to defend for situations like this. Imagine how many kids who are 17 and dating 15's (or 18 and dating 16's).

Besides, if everytime some under 16 kid got preggers, then there would be a lot of sex offenders if the cases were pressed to the maximum.

And that's scary when kids don't have a fully formed orbitofrontal cortex.

I don't know if you caught the O Reilly Factor thing about Indiana dropping the age of consent to 14, but that might have helped this guy out. He had a bright football scholarship future, and now he is a bottom in jail.

Judy said...

This is probably what scares me most about raising kids today. Not that I plan on raising children who are promiscuous or anything, but let's say my son does make a decision like this early in life and it turns out this way?

I would say it was the tape that did him in. Either that or the girl's parents. Going back to "yeah him"'s many girls under the consent age end up pregnant these days, and what happens to the boyfriend????

Was sad to see Lady Bird's passing. Big stuff about it here, but I'm only 45 minutes from Austin and under an hour from Johnson City, so it is Big News here.

Anonymous said...

What "yeah him" said.

We all know there is plenty of consensual sex going on with teens. It was the film did him in. Scary.

Rest In Peace, Lady Bird.