Monday, December 01, 2008


To Bumble for the Winning the Name that Tune Challenge!

You can copy this image and display it proudly on your blog! LOL

Yes, indeed folks Bumble answered the musical question correctly Norwegian Wood was the first song that featured George Harrison playing the sitar on the Beatles Album Rubber Soul. 1965. Isn't it good?


Abby said...

Norwegian Wood?? Toldya I'd lose.

Dan said...

Ok, Ok, Ok... What Beatles song features samples from Shakespeare's King Lear (done as a play)?

Whimsical Ranter said...

Oh I know the answer to that....

I am the Walrus

Coo coo, kachoo.

Who was really the walrus, and in what other Beatle song was it revealed?

Dan said...

You're so smart!!

Hope you're having a fun day. I've got to start grading soon. It seems like the A grades were really solid, but the others... nicht so gut.

This is definitely not going to be fun.