Saturday, November 15, 2008

Houston We have a Desk Chair

The Happiest Place on Earth Meets the Grinch

Yes, I broke my own rule and took Rainbird (aka Mr. Ranter) to Tarjay to look for a desk chair our Tarjay's remodel has been completed and it's absolutely gorgeous inside. It's a pleasure shopping there but br
inging Rainbird was a huge mistake, all he did was complain, and whine and make me crazy. We found a chair he approved of, like I wasn't capable of getting it myself and stuck it in the cart then we walked around the store. I was looking for some large pillow like things the boys can use for when they sit on the floor watching TV or playing video games. They have some fancy ones that are specific for gaming but I'm not spending that kind of cash on it. I'm thinking with the way they are on things somewhere around 20 bucks is reasonable. I'm not spending no 70 bucks for something like this ....Especially when all they need is something like this...Which ironically I just ordered.

I'm not thrilled with the color but it will do.

Of course the main reason for going and enduring his whining was to get a new desk chair and they had a few to choose from, but we settled quickly on this one...Eh, it will work and it was fairly simple to put together.

We also have a working washer again, I guess a wire or two was loose and that was causing the door not to open when the cycle was finished. Let's hope it continues to work without incident, because I have tons of laundry to catch up on. We're talking a lot.

Today Rainbird is taking me out to lunch with the kids...not sure why but he's made a big point of telling me nearly every day about it. Not even sure where we're going. Time will tell I guess.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved


Judy said...

Oooh, I hope you got that lunch out somewhere...I love stuff like that!

Our Target moved clear to the other side of town (which is still less than a 7 minute trip, but still!), so I'm in a semi-boycott. I only go there when necessary, and not on an every-other-day basis as I was before.

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