Tuesday, November 04, 2008

And I Thought the Election Would Be Close

Without reservation, Barack Obama is elected the 44th President.

I will say I'm thrilled that the people spoke LOUD and CLEAR to what they wanted. I listened to McCain's speech, and heard the crowd booing when Obama's name was mentioned and I couldn't help but to think that was why they lost. McCain in the end understood it, and that is why he stopped them. The country has spoken, opted for unknown change and maybe the majority is right. Time will tell.

It's no mistake our country for the past 8 years has been clearly divided, and I believe it's one of the reasons our economy has gone so sour.

I wish the President-Elect all the luck in the world. I hope he can put an end to the red verses blue states, I hope he can unify this country in a way that it hasn't felt since 1980.

Myself, I believe it can be done, but it's not going to be an easy road.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved


Anonymous said...

He should never have picked Palin.

Anonymous said...

I do agree with some of what you wrote but I'm just too upset.

Abby said...

Unify the country? Hmmmm, rotsa ruck, but I don't want to whine.

Judy said...

It is definitely going to be a rough ride - change always is. Here's to seeing beyond the here and now and looking towards the future.

Dan said...

Obama was and is incredibly to the left. That's the reason that we who didn't support him can't support him (that and he didn't seem to know any of his controversial friends, relatives, etc.).

McCain was kind of thrust upon us. We got him out of ROmney, Thompson, Huckabee, and my guy Giuliani. Nobody really wanted him, but there he was with no conservative support. He needed a conservative and with all the big guns not wanting to run, who else was available that was going to electrify some people (personally, I thought she should have wore Wrangler instead of ritzy stuff).

While I mistakenly voted for Kerry in 04, I still can't believe he lost. That says a lot about Lurch as a whole. Basically, that seemed to be (in hindsight) an opportunity for the Repubs to pull their heads out of their asses and get it together (don't even get me started on emergency returns to DC for Schiavo and Bush doing nothing for these past few years).

That said, how could the Republicans win? I think of 2012 and wonder if Bobby Jindal is ready to run. I don't know much about him, but in a party that is void of shining stars (Tim Pawlenty and the un-runnable Ah-nold), we're going to have to figure something out.

Nevertheless, I was crushed by Obama winning. If anything good came of it, there were no race riots or class wars (as predicted by places like the Philly Daily News and James Carville).

Here's to fixing things though since that is what's important.

Anonymous said...

The election was stolen. Osoma Obama is not even US Citizen! Impeach!