Friday, October 17, 2008

Finally Friday

I'm So Glad

Bonus points for anyone that can tell me which trio recorded that song. It's a fantastic Friday and I'm excited, not sure why maybe I'm just overly optimistic about the future or perhaps it's the rose-colored glasses I just got in the mail from Ronco. In just a few more weeks the country will embark on the election and come January good or bad, Dubya will be OUT.

It's no secret I'm not a fan of Dubya, but I was less of a fan of the other choices in the past couple elections. This election I do feel differently, since lets face it neither is gong to be able to do half of what they want to accomplish. I don't feel nearly as fatalistic than I thought I would feel. Maybe the prozac I stole from my mother-in-law is working.

Rose-colored glasses or no, I feel albeit guardedly optimistic our economy will recover without any further meddling from Washington. Maybe I'm insane but it's time to let the investors do what they need to do.

In Other News

My desk chair has finally said that it's had enough and snapped yesterday evening. We've had it a long time, and it a great find at my then local Goodwill Store. An 18 dollar bargain that's lasted nearly a decade. It's held my fat ass, with a child on my lap for years now and I'm kinda sad to see it go. But with the way it is now, with all four wheels firmly on the ground yet the back of the chair on the floor, it's just not going to work, nor is possible to save it.

Husband was home ill yesterday which annoys everyone to no end since we can't do what we want to do. Namely watch what we want on TV in the evenings--after all I gave up MMN the previous night for the debate. I know he's not home at night often but can't he just submit himself to an hour of Survivor without making snarky comments? So, instead we give in, handing over the remote, and exist in a hell that shows everything on the Food Network channel and the Travel Channel. Oh Boy! Me without a safe computer chair, well it just sucks.

The upshot is I get to go to back to Target, our newly remodeled one, the one that is like Disneyland with better prices for a new chair. The downside is that I have to wait until Rainbird gets paid again, since just a couple days ago I made a big deal about him not being able to make an expensive Halloween prop to house Dead Ted, or was it Dead Fred. I don't know I always forget which is which.

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved


Anonymous said...

I tend to agree. Let them have cake. Methinks that mightn't be the best example.

Judy said...

Oh no! Not the chair! Best of luck with that...can you move a kitchen or dining room chair in for a temporary fix?

Yes, a place to sit is far more important in my world right now than this dern election that seems to be taking DECADES to get through this time!

Abby said...

"I hope you get the chair". (That was said to that crazy woman who drowned her two children in the car. I don't mean it in the same context.)

Sick husbands! I'd rather be stuck home with sick kids. Sick husbands are the WORST!