Thursday, February 21, 2008

Can You Stand It?

They All Got Whacked

Yes another post about the Sopranos and hopefully the last, please don't misunderstand I loved the show but waiting to see the episodes on DVD was somewhat annoying. Anyway I got the Season 6 Part 2 (which was really season 7), months ago but haven't really had the time to sit and watch it. Let's face it, it's not exactly kid friendly TV.

I finally watched the whole season, and a couple episodes twice; I've come to the conclusion that at the end they all got killed. Several times during the season Tony makes the comment about when you get whacked you don't see it coming. Hence the black screen at the end of the finale.

And if that's not the case I'm going to be pissed off for such a lousy fucking ending!

The Truth is Out There

There have only been a few shows in my life that I felt I must see every week, because I just loved them that much. Yes I enjoy watching The Simpsons, Pushing Daisy's, Desperate Housewives, and Boston Legal but honestly if I miss an episode it's not the end of the world to me. Hardly any shows have been at that level.

In fact there has really only been two, Star Trek: The Next Generation and The X-Files. Both shows I loved though I didn't watch much of the final season of the X-Files because of the absence of David Duchovny. Fox Mulder was a brilliant character and it seemed replacing him just didn't feel right with me and a lot of other viewers. Some might say this made me less of a fan but I don't think so. I made a viewing decision.

That being said, I'm finding it difficult to become excited about both franchises and the movies that are coming. The X Files did a movie once, while the show was still on the air, but it wasn't done well, and provided no answers to deep burning questions. The subsequent season felt disjointed and odd as though the movie had never happened.

The Star Trek franchise is offering up a Starfleet Academy movie where you see Kirk and Spock meeting for the first time. Sounds mildly interesting but didn't they learn anything from Enterprise? I tried in vain to get into to that show but just couldn't care enough to watch it week after week. I did catch series finale on the SciFi channel recently and I have to say if I had gotten into the show like some did, I would have been seriously pissed off at the way that show ended.

. . . - - - . . .

Jericho is back for it's second and probably it's last season. Fans complained when the show was cancelled so CBS brought it back, but in their brilliance waited until now to put it on the air. The night and time-slot sucks and the show isn't much better but my son and I are watching—for now, though I'm not happy about missing Boston Legal.

And While I'm on the TV Subject…

Have you seen that new show "Moment of Truth" on Fox? Omg, what a cluster fuck that show is! I watched it once and that was bad enough. I guess the premise is before filming you are given a lie detector test where you're asked 50 questions. Some are extremely personal. Later they pick 20 questions to ask you on the show. Depending on how you answer and what the lie detector recorded you might win a half million dollars! Did I mention friends; family and maybe even coworkers are in the audience? Did I mention that they would dig up people from your past to present some questions directly to you?

Exactly how much are you willing to risk for a half million dollars?

For Your Viewing Pleasure

© 2008 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved


Judy said...

Cool spidey video!

I know what you mean about the Moment of Truth show - whatevah. I think we're really pushing it on the reality/game show front. We've pretty much turned off the TV because I'm simply so tired of it all now.

BUMBLE!!! said...

Ok, now that I have the Internet back...

I used to really like the XFiles and then that least season and the movie and I forgot how great the early episodes were.

It's a shame. That show rocked.
It's kind of like the last season of 24.

I also went through a Sopranos phase one summer when I was struggling to find work. Then again, I also watched 7th Heaven reruns that year too.

As for Moment of Truth, I would watch that at Ol Match Dot Com Girl's house, but frankly, it just got stupid really quick.

I truly think reality TV is going to leave people stupid.

Thank god the writer's strike is over.

Anonymous said...

Hey Ranter! Great to see you again!

I see you've been watching some TV in your time off. I just never seem to make the time, and with trying to set a good example for the kids, and, and... OH gotta go! Judge Judy!