Monday, December 11, 2006

Has It Really Been This Long?

Naughty, Naughty

Certainly I've posted something since my birthday last month? Things have been rather uneventful but not that dull. The world has continued to spin and things here aren't nearly as cold as they were last week.

A Few Good Beers

A couple weekends ago Rainbird and I headed into town to imbibe at the Holiday Ale Festival, which is always a treat for the taste buds. I had a wonderful IPA from Madriver Brewing Company that was to die for, well maybe not that but certainly worth the four dollars for a glass. You can check out the complete list of beers served here.

Out of the Frying Pan and Into the Fire

The deep fat fryer it seems went the American Flag in Tennessee Causing a huge uproar that has seemingly reverberated across the country, renewing for now a call to defend the flag. Now this person, William Gentry wasn't making a statement about Iraq, or Dubya, but was making a statement about how fat American is. It might come as surprise that while deep frying the American flag might seem distasteful on many levels, it also raised the point that Americans, despite a love of low fat, low carb, and low cholesterol foods, are fatter than they were just a couple decades before. Can we blame our quick fix society on this? Is fast food alone to blame?

I don't think fast food is to blame, as much as advertisers that blast images of perfect burgers in front of our eyes in 45-second increments. We enjoy blaming the fast food companies for giving us the conveniences of not having to cook each meal. In fact, I think we've forgotten how to cook entirely. Just the other day I was talking about baking a cake for the holidays from scratch and my Mother-in-law asked why would I want to go through all that work. Since when is throwing eggs, butter, sugar, salt, baking powder into a mixer work? If I buy a box of cake mix, I still have to measure the water, eggs, and oil. So, I have to measure a couple more things, I don't see that as being a problem. It's certainly not a lot "work." I think we've gotten so out of the habit of cooking that we've honestly forgotten that it's just as easy to cook a healthy dinner as it is to pick up junk food on the way home, or wait for that pizza to be delivered.

Instead of discussing the flag in oil issue, lets seriously discuss what can be done to make American's healthier. Perhaps New York City has the right idea by banning all trans fats but they aren't the only culprits at work here. What about those sugary cereals marketed for children and now being labeled "whole grain" to make parent's feel better about giving it to their children. Refined flour is still a grain, a refined one, but it's considered a grain nonetheless.

The Grinch Carries a Menorah?

I don’t know what to say about the fool that complained at Seatac Airport about the holiday decorations but he caused them to take down everything. I'm really getting tired of all the ass wipes that seem to think that they can throw around the word "sue" and not get a response. This guy complained that they should have a Menorah, and told them if they didn't he'd sue. Then after he causes a National uproar over the issue, he's saying that he didn't mean for them to take everything down. Exactly what did he mean when he said he'd sue? I guess that meant to him cave to my wishes or pay me.

© 2006 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved

1 comment:

Unknown said...

bout time you made it back . . . i too have been lacking in the regular post department but have little exciting or funny to post, so i haven't.

when i do find time to bitch about something or someone i tell GF down the road as we are running to this appt or that appt or wally world for food or whatever happens to be on the agenda for that day.

i thought i might have more time when i was thru with school but have learned otherwise . . . all the kids' appts are this month and then there was the shopping . . . LOL

look me up . . .