Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Blogger's Block

I just haven't had anything good to say. I was right about the JonBenet thing, no shit—the fuckwits in Boulder should hire me I would have saved their taxpayers a fortune. Bet they'll try to get California to foot the bill now. I say send him back, let him go to prison in Thailand, after all, it’s only a matter of time before he'd be caught trying to get a little girl to jerk him. I don’t know what else has been going on in the world because anytime I turn on the news I get depressed. The kids have been fighting and Rainbird is really pissing me off lately, I don't cook well enough, I don't clean well enough, his whites aren’t white enough...You get the idea.

Kids go back to school next week and I'm making myself a wreck worrying about poor Fredo and how he'll do this year. I know I should have sent him to summer school, but we were quite busy...well until this month. It was at a different school and I was worried about him taking the bus alone, also it was a long day for him. Next year he'll be older and if he has to go...so be it. Or I'll just send him to The Sylvan Learning Center myself.

I sent Piss-boy to summer school once and he learned NOTHING.

I have been a little surprised to see all the Mel jokes flying around Hollywood lately. Pretty strange, since I'd think they’d be all forgiving and shit with him.

© 2006 Whimsical Ranter
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BUMBLE!!! said...

I always wondered if the summer school option would help or annoy students more.

BUMBLE!!! said...

As for JM Karr, I think they need to end him on PPV and use the money from viewing and souvenier shirts and the like to pay Boulder back...

I often wondered, what kind of a person would work as a defense lawyer for guarranteed perverts like Karr. ESP. in light of this guy who took out his neighbor with a big ol' knife for doing stuff to his 2 year old daughter. Now that's just sick. If there is proof for the offender having offended, it's pretty much a done deal - you would think - but alas... then you have the Karrs of the world who get off on telling stories for publicity.

what a world.