Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Thanks Anita

Testing again. Thanks Anita for doing the siggy. It's a perfect fit for me

© 2006 Whimsical Ranter
All Rights Reserved


Unknown said...

TESTING WHAT?!?!?! Your skills at saying nothing?!?!? HEHE

Glad you are back, sorry about the vehicle, I can sympathize and well, Mom can sympathize more than me as in the last 6 weeks, she has had to have all THREE of her vehicles worked on to the tune of over $500 each time. And all of them needed fixed because we only found out we had a problem with the "spares" when we needed them to get something done, like haul water. So all the extra money she thought she was gonna have from taxes is gone. BUT, I saved her a bunch of money on her Homeowners insurance . . . . She got her renewal and she always has me look it over and I noticed we were rated wrong as the substation in Rockport is now open and we are within 5 miles and in a protected class instead of unprotected. It knocked off close to 700 dollars on the year on her house. And my house insurance should go down about $150 on the year too. It's not quite as much because its just structure coverage right now.

Whimsical Ranter said...

Awwww Fuck! I was going to delete that...Dammit.

I was having blogger issues, and was trying to change the picture.

Long story.